
ONSITE Sunday Morning Worship Service: 10:00 am


Children and Youth Sunday School 9:45am


Contact Us

Andover Baptist Church

7 Central St

Andover, MA 01810



Rev. Lyndon A. Myers, Pastor



Phone: 978 475-0166


Or use our contact form.

Monthly Schedule

1st Sunday

Holy Communion Sunday


2nd Sunday -

Missions Sunday Service

3rd Sunday 

High Praise & Worship Sunday

4th Sunday

Youth and Family Ministries Sunday

5th Sunday

Young Adult Sunday

Worship and Service




Giving: Tithes & Offerings & Donations here

Friendly Circle



The women's group at Andover baptist Church is called the Friendly Circle, and that's just what we try to be. We meet once a month on the second Monday at the church.  The meeting usually consists of devotions, a business meeting where we plan activities that we want to accomplish and a time of fellowship and refreshment.  At the present time, our two main activities are, a yard sale in the spring and a fair in the fall.  All profits go to the church to accomplish things that need to be done. During the holidays, we try to find ways to help those who are not as fortunate as us.  We take small gifts to nursing homes on valentines day.  We also help members of the church who need a helping hand. The circle also runs a secret pal program where members choose the name of a sick or elderly person of the congregation, to remember with small gifts and cards.  In the spring we hold a banquet where the pals find out who their secret pal was.  In summary, we have a great time with God's help, working together to help our church and the members of the community in many different ways.


A short history: The Friendly Circle was first formed in 1939 with the purpose of providing Christian fellowship for women and to help the church obtain needed items that were not in the budget. Over the years, the Friendly Circle has donated such items as coffee makers, microwaves, copiers, silverware, dishes and other items too numerous to mention. Many church centered activities were held such as a fashion show, talent show, Tom Thumb wedding, mother and daughter teas and banquets, bakery sales and showing of wedding gowns over the years etc.

We would love for you to join us.